5 texts you can use to test his interest

Texting is one of the most commonly used forms of communication in modern times. It’s easy to choose whether you want to engage with someone or not in the world of texting. If you’re trying to or not, you can test them by way of text. Guys won’t respond to all text messages, especially if they’re not into you.

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Pay attention to these 5 ways he will reply if he’s interested:

#1. ‘Sorry I was so tired last night! What are you up to?’

If you text a guy after a night together to try and gauge the situation, notice if he answers in a closed way or opens the door for more conversation. If he asks you another questions, it means that he wants to keep talking to you.

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#2. ‘Enjoy your day, hopefully I’ll see you later.’

Sending a good morning text can feel risky. You don’t want to seem too clingy, but you also want to let him know you’re thinking about him. If he responds in a friendly way, it means he’s interested. Especially if he mentions seeing each other later that day or sometime soon.

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#3. Working now, but I’ll call you when I finish!’

Don’t take it personally if you text a guy and he tells you he’s working! We all have to be responsible at our jobs. If he does indicate he’s working, consider what else he says. Telling you that he’ll talk to you later is a sign that he won’t blow you off.

Credit: Pixabay

#4. ‘I’m hungry, maybe we can have dinner together. We can do something later too!’

If you ask a guy what his plans are for the night and he doesn’t answer, it’s a good indication that his plans don’t involve you! When he responds by trying to make plans with you, then you can be sure that he wants to spend more of his time getting to know you.

Credit: Pixabay

#5. ‘Call me if you can’t sleep so we can get to know each other more.’

A good test to see his level of interest is texting him that you can’t sleep. If he ignores you or gives you a short answer, don’t push the subject. If the answer comes with an invitation to talk to him more, take it and run!

These are easy ways to get a better idea of what’s going on in the mind of the guy you’re into. Be strategic about how you use texting you further your relationships!

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