Warning: Tramadol (a.k.a TM) can be fatal


A certain Ibrahim Shehu was caught selling Tramadol to students (including primary school pupils) on the 5th of March.

Coincidentally, that same period (about three weeks ago), a pretty little girl of about 10-12years, an only child, took a tablet of tramadol from her mum’s stash after complaining of a slight headache, had an instant seizure, was rushed to the hospital but confirmed dead on arrival.

I sadly recall seeing her on that fateful day at the back of her father’s car with the mum holding on to her and rocking her as though she was just taking a nap. She seemed to be in complete denial. Her only child. She still looked so alive. I remember Efe Isaac touched her, she felt warm to the touch. I did too and confirmed. She seemed to be sweating! Dead people don’t sweat na!

Drama started! Efe and I with some others insisted hysterically she was still alive and demanded that the doctors take her back into the Children’s Emergency clinic. The doctors had to call the Consultant to come check her himself. He checked and confirmed indeed she was gone. Explained that the body warmth and moisture was from the heat in the car. The tiny glimmer of hope in her parent’s eyes dashed. I couldn’t control my tears.

Tramadol is not paracetamol! Stop the abuse already! Parents, even if you are gonna abuse it for bedroom gymnastics or whatever, keep it far far far away from the reach of your kids! Tramadol can be fatal!!!

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