Jesus Christ Has Been Physically Appearing To Me For Many Years ā€“ Reverend Sister Claims

As Christians all over the world celebrate Easter, a nun, Reverend Sister Emmanuel, has revealed her encounters with Jesus Christ.

The nun, who bears two male names, Emmanuel Emmanuel, because, according to her, ā€œCatholic Sisters answer male names,ā€ said for years Jesus Christ has been appearing and giving her divine messages.

Reverend Sister Emmanuelā€™s world is interesting. As a habit, her hair is always covered, while she ties a rosary around her left wrist and holds a small crucifix in her right hand. She blesses you with the crucifix when you meet her.

The nun wears no make-up at all. She lives a simple life. In fact, she is not worldly in every material particular. She denies her life every atom of comfort or luxury. For instance, she sleeps on a wooden bench without pillow and, during the Lenten season, she sleeps on the floor using a piece of stone to lift her head. Again, she has removed all the cushions on her chairs.

In a chat with Daily Sun at the Marian Centre in Imo State, the nun said Jesus Christ appears to her frequently. She also said she has seen the Virgin Mary on a number of occasions.

According to her, she experienced the first divine visitation as a student in the United States in 1979.

Your name is Emmanuel, which is strange for a woman in this part of the world. Why are you called Emmanuel?

Iā€™m called Emmanuel because Catholic Sisters answer male names. I am a victim soul, a mystic and a seer; that means a visionary, and Iā€™m a nun, that is, a Reverend Sister. Iā€™m a professed religious sister of a special monastic order. I am also the end of time Mary our Lord Jesus Christ revealed and gave the new name Emmanuel. And Jesus calls me Victorious Emmanuel. I am originally from Ubulu Ihejiofor in Oru West Local Government Area of Imo State.

We learnt that Jesus appears to you. Can you explain this?

Jesus Christ has appeared to me consecutively for many years. It started on the New Year eve of 1979. I was in my room at the university compound in the United States, about midnight, when it started. That night, some Nigerian students told me that they were going for a party in Detroit and they wanted me to join them. I said no because I had heard that that city was big and I didnā€™t want violence on a New Year. So, I didnā€™t know that God had a different plan for me.

At midnight, my room was flooded with baby angels. They were all over my bed. Wherever I turned, I saw them. I managed to lie on the bed, facing up. I didnā€™t know that Jesus was there, facing me. He was floating on the air, near the ceiling. I was alarmed and wanted to phone the priest that conducted mass for us at the chapel but it was too late. So, I waited till morning and after mass on New Year morning, I told him. He explained it as much as he could. Then I returned to Nigeria to do my youth service corps programme.

After my National Youth Service Corps programme, the apparitions continued. But what I think is important is to receive the message of Christ. I donā€™t want to be heard by people. I live a humble life, a monastic life.

Is Jesus a white or black man? Or does He come in form of a white man or black man?

Thatā€™s a good question. Jesus is God, who took flesh. He can appear in any form. He can appear in light skin or any other skin colour.

So, which colour does he appear to you?

What happens is that when He appears to you, His divinity will consume you more than any other thing. Whatever He wants you to know, your attention will be focused on that. I think sometimes, the skin will be light, other times it will be lighter.

How does Jesus appear to you? Is it when you are sleeping or do you see Him while awake?

Have you watched television before? When you watch television, are you awake or asleep? When Jesus wants to appear to you, you will be awake when He will appear. He appears to me when Iā€™m awake. Sometimes, he can wake me from sleep and give me a message. Most of the time He appears to me when Iā€™m awake.

How do you feel after an encounter with Jesus? Is there any physical difference?

I feel happy after every encounter. You will feel the presence; you will recollect yourself. You will be quiet for sometime to absorb the message given. Sometimes, when I pray, He will talk to me on the altar of the Sacred Heart here.

What kind of messages does He give you whenever He appears to you?

They are urgent end-of-time message of repentance and salvation, which our Lord Jesus had even warned His Church, that is, the Roman Catholic Church, the priests, the pope and the whole world.

We also heard that Mary appears to you. How true is this?

Yeah she appears to give complementary message, to make up the messages given by her son and to encourage me.

Did you go to the United States to study as a nun?

I went there as an ordinary student; I became a nun when I came back to Nigeria. But the most important thing is the message.

When were you called?

I was consecrated in August 1989.

What did you study abroad and what is the name of the school you attended there?

I studied Education/Biology for my first course and I minored in Psychology at Eastern Michigan University. But these things are not important. The message of God is more important than all these things.

Were you trained by the church?

I was a private student.

How did your parents receive it when you wanted to become a nun?

The important thing now is to receive Godā€™s messages. Well, my parents received the news and my father blessed me even though Iā€™m the only daughter of my parents. I have four brothers.

Are your parents still around?

Jesus told me to publish His messages, not my biography.

What is Marian Centre all about?

Marian Centre is a monastery and pilgrimage centre. It is an office of the kingdom of heaven instituted by our Lord Jesus Chris the saviour in honour of His most holy mother, Mary Immaculate, for the purpose of crushing the Devil and preparing souls for heaven. Jesus said that Marian Centre is a Catholic prayer ministry of the Holy Spirit. He said it is a holy family, a Eucharistic adoration family. It is, perhaps, the end-of-time Rome.

What is your relationship with the Catholic Church? Are you still a nun with them?

A nun is a nun forever.

When you told the church that Jesus was appearing to you, what was the reaction?

We are not interested in reactions. We give messages of God and people take it or leave it because it is for their own good if they take it. And it is to their detriment if they donā€™t. So, we donā€™t force anybody to accept the message.

Nuns belong to different orders. Which one do you belong to?

Iā€™ve said I belong to a special monastic order.

Is it part of the Catholic Church?

It is part of the Catholic Church; it cannot be outside the Catholic Church. Mary is the mother of the Catholic Church and this is Marian Centre.

Were you a virgin at the time you became a nun? Put differently, are you a virgin?

I donā€™t want to elevate myself. God knows what I am.

Before you become a nun, you must do nun surveillance and pass through some processes. In other words, did you meet the prerequisites for becoming a Catholic Sister or nun?

Iā€™m a professed religious sister. Iā€™m a nun.

That is to say, you are a self-styled reverend sister?

No, not self-styled. Iā€™m a nun and nothing else is important now except the message of God.

We really want you to talk about yourself so that people will not think it is a fairy taleā€¦

Those who want to believe should believe and those who donā€™t want to believe will not be forced by anybody because Jesus said that as it was in the beginning, it would happen again. During the time of Noah, people were dancing and getting married when God warned them to prepare that there would be deluge, that He would destroy the world. Many did not believe but it happened.

Did you ever do a secular job? Did you work in an office?

I taught in many places but that is not important. When I returned from the United States, I did my youth service at Nsukka, Enugu State. Then I came to Anambra State, but the important thing is the messages of the Lord. I worked until a few years ago.

How is Marian Centre funded?

It has not been publicised. Iā€™ve been concentrating on writing, doing prayer and penance. I do farming to sustain myself. Occasionally, people give alms.

Are your brothers supporting your ministry in any manner?

They are encouraging me.

As a child, was there anything that stood you out from your peers?

I noticed that, before anything would happen, I would know. I thought everybody was like that but as time went on, I realised that not everybody had that experience. So, I withdrew and kept to myself; I stopped talking about my experiences to people.

Did you tell your parents when those things were happening? If you did, what was their reaction?

Yes, I relayed some of them to my parents. My grandfather had the gift of vision and my father also had. So, it wasnā€™t a surprise.

Can you mention one specific occurrence in those days?

Before the Nigeria/Biafra civil war, God, the Father, appeared to me here. It was the apparition that I saw as a young girl.

How did you recognise God because nobody has seen Him?

Immediately He appears, God will put it in your mind and tell you whatever He wants and you will know.

Was it the same thing that happened when Jesus appeared to you first?

When Jesus appeared on Easter eve, He showed me the wounds on his legs, hands and ribs. They were visible.

With which language does He communicate with you?

He uses English language, Igbo, my native language, and Latin language. And I donā€™t know Latin. So, when He does that, Iā€™ll write it the way He pronounces it and look for priests, who are fluent in Latin, to help me translate.

As a seer, have you looked into your crystal ball, so to say, to know if Nigeria will break up or remain one entity?

A seer does not see everything; you see what is shown to you. But I was given a warning early this year. I was shown a soldier in military uniform without a belt. His belt was lying beside him and he was talking to me in a language I did not understand. But I knew it was a warning message. God warned me, through him, to pray more and do more penance in order to avert war breaking out in Nigeria. So, Iā€™ve continued praying and doing more penance. I believe the prayer has been heard because there were ominous signs not long ago.

Do you have healing powers? Do you pray for sick people and they become well?

That is one of the first gifts God gave to me; itā€™s a supernatural gift. It is a gift above nature. I pray for people and they get well. I heal people suffering stroke and other sicknesses, both spiritual and physical. God also gave me the power to disarm the Devil and bring out souls. Iā€™ve brought out many people in secret societies, including Ogboni. I gave them prayer and they denied it, and they are alive, nothing happened to them.

Without an Ogboni member or occultist confessing, can you recognise such a person?

Sometimes, I do. Sometimes, my inner self, the God within, will let me know. You also know them by their stickers, rings and mannerism. I met one boy at a bank and I had some feelings about him and I called him out of the queue. I told him that I didnā€™t know which secret society he belonged but that the God within was telling me he belongs to one. He said that he belonged to one but he was opting out. He said that his progress had been distorted while his mates had gone far ahead.

I have been with you for more than one hour now. Can you assess me spiritually?

I donā€™t need to assess you spiritually, but for coming here on a Sunday, I take it that you are not serious with your God. Because, if you are serious, you wonā€™t come today, thereby encouraging drivers that operate on Sundays. It pains our Lord; it is one of the core messages that people desecrate the Lordā€™s Day. The drivers that operate on Sunday donā€™t go to worship God because they are being patronised. So, you should be more serious with your God. Donā€™t use Sunday for business.

Why did you decide to stay in the village instead of coming out where more people can benefit from your gifts?

Our Lady appeared here and said that this is her family, and Jesus wants me to be here. I had wanted to go to other places but He didnā€™t want me to go. He gave the name, Marian Centre, Ubulu Ihejiofor. Jesus wrote the name on a banner, brought it here and showed it to me. It was a mystical banner; after showing to me, He disappeared with it. People will benefit because He has made here a pilgrimage centre and the whole world will come here. The way people go to Rome or Jerusalem is the same way they will come here.

Nigeria is blessed with human and material resources yet the people lack. Is there hope for the country?

Iā€™m a positive thinker and I know that there is hope. As soon as people stop bribery and corruption in high and low places, the changes will be felt. You may commit sin behind closed doors but God is recording it. If you hide from human beings, you cannot hide from God. Nigerians have to turn away from their evil ways to enjoy the blessings of God in abundance.

What would be your message to the world at this point in time?

My message to the world would be the message of Jesus. He said I should tell the world that His second coming is near and that they should repent of their sins and go for sacramental confession, not private confession. They should confess their sins before a priest of the holy Catholic Church and pray the rosary daily to save their souls from hell.

Source: Daily Sun

Warning: Tramadol (a.k.a TM) can be fatal


A certain Ibrahim Shehu was caught selling Tramadol to students (including primary school pupils) on the 5th of March.

Coincidentally, that same period (about three weeks ago), a pretty little girl of about 10-12years, an only child, took a tablet of tramadol from her mum’s stash after complaining of a slight headache, had an instant seizure, was rushed to the hospital but confirmed dead on arrival.

I sadly recall seeing her on that fateful day at the back of her father’s car with the mum holding on to her and rocking her as though she was just taking a nap. She seemed to be in complete denial. Her only child. She still looked so alive. I remember Efe Isaac touched her, she felt warm to the touch. I did too and confirmed. She seemed to be sweating! Dead people don’t sweat na!

Drama started! Efe and I with some others insisted hysterically she was still alive and demanded that the doctors take her back into the Children’s Emergency clinic. The doctors had to call the Consultant to come check her himself. He checked and confirmed indeed she was gone. Explained that the body warmth and moisture was from the heat in the car. The tiny glimmer of hope in her parent’s eyes dashed. I couldn’t control my tears.

Tramadol is not paracetamol! Stop the abuse already! Parents, even if you are gonna abuse it for bedroom gymnastics or whatever, keep it far far far away from the reach of your kids! Tramadol can be fatal!!!

5 texts you can use to test his interest

Texting is one of the most commonly used forms of communication in modern times. Itā€™s easy to choose whether you want to engage with someone or not in the world of texting. If youā€™re trying to or not, you can test them by way of text. Guys wonā€™t respond to all text messages, especially if theyā€™re not into you.

Credit: Pixabay

Pay attention to these 5 ways he will reply if heā€™s interested:

#1. ā€˜Sorry I was so tired last night! What are you up to?ā€™

If you text a guy after a night together to try and gauge the situation, notice if he answers in a closed way or opens the door for more conversation. If he asks you another questions, it means that he wants to keep talking to you.

Credit: Pixabay

#2. ā€˜Enjoy your day, hopefully Iā€™ll see you later.ā€™

Sending a good morning text can feel risky. You donā€™t want to seem too clingy, but you also want to let him know youā€™re thinking about him. If he responds in a friendly way, it means heā€™s interested. Especially if he mentions seeing each other later that day or sometime soon.

Credit: Pixabay

#3. Working now, but Iā€™ll call you when I finish!ā€™

Donā€™t take it personally if you text a guy and he tells you heā€™s working! We all have to be responsible at our jobs. If he does indicate heā€™s working, consider what else he says. Telling you that heā€™ll talk to you later is a sign that he wonā€™t blow you off.

Credit: Pixabay

#4. ā€˜Iā€™m hungry, maybe we can have dinner together. We can do something later too!ā€™

If you ask a guy what his plans are for the night and he doesnā€™t answer, itā€™s a good indication that his plans donā€™t involve you! When he responds by trying to make plans with you, then you can be sure that he wants to spend more of his time getting to know you.

Credit: Pixabay

#5. ā€˜Call me if you canā€™t sleep so we can get to know each other more.ā€™

A good test to see his level of interest is texting him that you canā€™t sleep. If he ignores you or gives you a short answer, donā€™t push the subject. If the answer comes with an invitation to talk to him more, take it and run!

These are easy ways to get a better idea of whatā€™s going on in the mind of the guy youā€™re into. Be strategic about how you use texting you further your relationships!

We atĀ BetterMeĀ want everyone to know and experience true love. It is out there for everyone and until it knocks on your door we are here to remind you that you deserve the best love!

You can help us spread this love by sharing this with those around you and letting us know what you think in the comments below.

7 things that attract men the most, according to science

All the science-proven things about you that drive men crazy the most.

A great smile is one of the 7 most attractive things about women. (The List)

If you’ve ever wondered what attracts men to you the most, these seven things are the answers you have been looking for!

1. Facial symmetry

This is when the left side of your face matches the right side of your face and vice versa, with things matching up perfectly from one side to another and according to researchers this is a lot more atrractive as well.

2. Lips

Results from a study at Manchester University found that lips are a woman’s most attractive physical attribute.

To agree with this, all you need do is consider just how gorgeous you look especially when they have red lipstick.

3. Strong eye contact

Forget that saying about the eyes being the window to the soul, because they’re also the door to keeping a lover’s attention. Turns out your pupils dilate a little more when you’re attracted to someone. The kicker? People are apparently super attracted to dilated pupils. Lesson learned: never miss an opportunity to fixate your eyes at your intended bae.

4. Great teeth

Research suggests that straight, white teeth are very attractive, too. And what makes this particularly important can be seen in number 4 below.

5. Beautiful smiles

Another study suggests that men are so drawn to women who smile a lot.

This is pretty right too as smiling obviously makes women beautiful than moping and frowning. men are significantly more attracted to women who smile. It’s not like you’ll be reeling them in with a grimace.

6. A higher-pitched voice

High-pitched voices are apparently sexier. Researchers suggest it’s because higher voices suggest a smaller body size, which our society deems more attractive.

7. Colour red

A certain study of color stereotypes included two photos of the exact same woman. She wore blue in one picture and red in the other, posing the same way in both. According to the results, the photo of the woman in red was rated as more attractive and sexually desirable.

This apparently explains why red lingerie is in high demand

No! Infact, you shouldn’t write for free

The blog Lifehacker just posted a pieceentitled ā€œWhy You Should Write For Free,ā€ in which writer Nick Douglas (on staff, note) explains when he believes writing for free is appropriate ā€” and when it is not. The headline alone is enough to fluff me up with righteous fury, as my own, consistent refusal to write for free is a matter of public record. But Iā€™m also aware that headlines are meant to elicit a response (hopefully, to read the article) and are sometimes not entirely representative of the article.

So I read the article. Itā€™s still wrong, but I can see where Douglas has gone wrong, and some of it boils down to a matter of definition of what constitutes ā€œfreeā€ writing and what does not.

So what does constitute ā€œwriting for freeā€? Douglasā€™ definition is pretty simple, and wide: Writing for which one is not paid. This would include personal blog posts, tweets, Facebook posts and comments on all of the above (basically, all social media for most people), school papers, diary entries, emails and letters to friends and family, graffiti, resumes and job applications as well as material written for editorial entities, for which oneā€™s work is not compensated ā€” newspapers, weekly papers, non-personal/commercial blogs, magazines and so on.

My definition, probably because I am a professional writer, is rather more narrow and is focused on intent. My definition of ā€œwriting for freeā€ is ā€œwriting work that is aimed at the stream of commerce but for which one is not compensated for its production.ā€ More simply, work where someone is trying to make money off it, but none of that money gets to me. By that definition, no personal blog post, tweet, Facebook posting, email, etc constitutes ā€œfreeā€ writing, since none of it was ever intended in itself to make money. But things I write for others are almost always in the stream of commerce ā€” and somewhere along the way, someone is getting paid because of it, or at least trying to.

And thatā€™s where Yogā€™s Law applies: Money flows toward the writer. If my work is being used to extract monetary value from someone, somewhere, then I need to be paid. I donā€™t work for free, especially when someone else is attempting to gain a financial benefit from it.

(ā€œYeah but Twitter and Facebook serve ads so technically theyā€™re making money and youā€™re notā€ ā€” correct but I am being offered use of the platform without having to pay for it because itā€™s supported by ads, and that would be the case even if I never posted, i.e., social mediaā€™s financial model is not contingent on my content, but rather on my use. Eyeballs, not words. Thatā€™s a different thing, believe it or not.)

Let me put it another way. I play guitar (poorly). When I play my guitar at home, am I playing ā€œfor freeā€? In the sense that no oneā€™s paying me for it, sure. But Iā€™m also not intending to make money from playing it, and that matters. Iā€™m a literal amateur. Iā€™m doing it because I enjoy playing, and the benefit of it to me is not financially-oriented. On the other hand, if (highly improbably) someone heard me playing and said ā€œWow, thatā€™s awesome, can I record you and release your music to the world?ā€ then my immediate response would be ā€œI think youā€™re probably highā€ followed by ā€œAlso, how much are you paying me?ā€ Because whatā€™s being said here is ā€œyour product has a value I would like to exploitā€ and my response in those cases, for all media, is ā€œthen I need to participate in that value exploitation.ā€

Douglasā€™ definition of ā€œfreeā€ is more expansive than mine, and for people who are not primarily or professionally writers (or who want to be) itā€™s probably fine. For people who dowant to be professionally or primarily writers, itā€™s muddy, and can be used as a way for people who wonā€™t want to pay you for your work, for whatever reason, to smudge lines which should not be smudged. Intent matters.

So, letā€™s apply my definition of ā€œfreeā€ to Douglasā€™ advice. Should you write on a blog or on social media for your own personal interest and benefit? Sure! Itā€™s fun, it passes the time, and occasionally you might able to leverage that writing into economic benefit. I certainly have done that ā€” Iā€™ve published four books (so far!) of essay writing that originated here on this blog, and two novels which I originally published here have been published conventionally and are still in print. Go me. Work here has also served as a calling card for paid work elsewhere; Iā€™ve gotten a number of gigs because people have read something here and said, essentially, ā€œHey, can you do that, but for me, and for money?ā€ To which I answered, ā€œOh, probably.ā€

Should you write for others without being paid? Oh, I donā€™t think so. I donā€™t care how tiny or noble the site/magazine/whatever is, if they want to use what you write to help them make money, then go ahead and make it your policy to get paid. If they donā€™t have the money to pay your asking price, then, oh, well. ā€œExposureā€ means shit (and ā€œexposureā€ in the sort of venue that canā€™t/wonā€™t pay means even less than shit). What matters in these cases is that you make money from the people who want to make money from you. So, you know. Donā€™t write for ā€œfree.ā€ Get paid.

Letā€™s also recognize a third category here, which is writing you do for yourself, that you intend to exploit financially by yourself ā€” basically, by operating a small business specializing in the distribution of your writing (and/or other creative product). This is a thing that is much easier to do now than in times past, and certainly writers do it through things like Patreon, Kickstarter, self-publishing, placing advertising on their own blogs and so on. Here in 2018, you donā€™t need someone else to pay you to get paid, although if you do want to get paid by running your own little writing business, you have to do what any small business does and work your ass off on it. Which is why I personally like publishing through other entities ā€” itā€™s ever so slightly less work.

(And obviously, you donā€™t have to pick just one of these avenues. You can do them all! Wheeee!)

So, Nick Douglas is right that you should write some things that without intending to be paid for them, for the fun of it and to try different sorts of writing and to grow your skills. Heā€™s incorrect that much of that writing ā€” the stuff you do by yourself, for yourself ā€” should be considered as being done for ā€œfree.ā€ And when he suggests that you write for others for ā€œfree,ā€ I think heā€™s incorrect there as well. If your work has value to anyone, then it should have value for you, and you should be at the front of the line to receive that value, because youā€™re doing the work.

Thatā€™s how you become a professional writer: By expecting to be treated as a professional.

The blog Lifehacker just posted a pieceentitled ā€œWhy You Should Write For Free,ā€ in which writer Nick Douglas (on staff, note) explains when he believes writing for free is appropriate ā€” and when it is not. The headline alone is enough to fluff me up with righteous fury, as my own, consistent refusal to write for free is a matter of public record. But Iā€™m also aware that headlines are meant to elicit a response (hopefully, to read the article) and are sometimes not entirely representative of the article.

So I read the article. Itā€™s still wrong, but I can see where Douglas has gone wrong, and some of it boils down to a matter of definition of what constitutes ā€œfreeā€ writing and what does not.

So what does constitute ā€œwriting for freeā€? Douglasā€™ definition is pretty simple, and wide: Writing for which one is not paid. This would include personal blog posts, tweets, Facebook posts and comments on all of the above (basically, all social media for most people), school papers, diary entries, emails and letters to friends and family, graffiti, resumes and job applications as well as material written for editorial entities, for which oneā€™s work is not compensated ā€” newspapers, weekly papers, non-personal/commercial blogs, magazines and so on.

My definition, probably because I am a professional writer, is rather more narrow and is focused on intent. My definition of ā€œwriting for freeā€ is ā€œwriting work that is aimed at the stream of commerce but for which one is not compensated for its production.ā€ More simply, work where someone is trying to make money off it, but none of that money gets to me. By that definition, no personal blog post, tweet, Facebook posting, email, etc constitutes ā€œfreeā€ writing, since none of it was ever intended in itself to make money. But things I write for others are almost always in the stream of commerce ā€” and somewhere along the way, someone is getting paid because of it, or at least trying to.

And thatā€™s where Yogā€™s Law applies: Money flows toward the writer. If my work is being used to extract monetary value from someone, somewhere, then I need to be paid. I donā€™t work for free, especially when someone else is attempting to gain a financial benefit from it.

(ā€œYeah but Twitter and Facebook serve ads so technically theyā€™re making money and youā€™re notā€ ā€” correct but I am being offered use of the platform without having to pay for it because itā€™s supported by ads, and that would be the case even if I never posted, i.e., social mediaā€™s financial model is not contingent on my content, but rather on my use. Eyeballs, not words. Thatā€™s a different thing, believe it or not.)

Let me put it another way. I play guitar (poorly). When I play my guitar at home, am I playing ā€œfor freeā€? In the sense that no oneā€™s paying me for it, sure. But Iā€™m also not intending to make money from playing it, and that matters. Iā€™m a literal amateur. Iā€™m doing it because I enjoy playing, and the benefit of it to me is not financially-oriented. On the other hand, if (highly improbably) someone heard me playing and said ā€œWow, thatā€™s awesome, can I record you and release your music to the world?ā€ then my immediate response would be ā€œI think youā€™re probably highā€ followed by ā€œAlso, how much are you paying me?ā€ Because whatā€™s being said here is ā€œyour product has a value I would like to exploitā€ and my response in those cases, for all media, is ā€œthen I need to participate in that value exploitation.ā€

Douglasā€™ definition of ā€œfreeā€ is more expansive than mine, and for people who are not primarily or professionally writers (or who want to be) itā€™s probably fine. For people who dowant to be professionally or primarily writers, itā€™s muddy, and can be used as a way for people who wonā€™t want to pay you for your work, for whatever reason, to smudge lines which should not be smudged. Intent matters.

So, letā€™s apply my definition of ā€œfreeā€ to Douglasā€™ advice. Should you write on a blog or on social media for your own personal interest and benefit? Sure! Itā€™s fun, it passes the time, and occasionally you might able to leverage that writing into economic benefit. I certainly have done that ā€” Iā€™ve published four books (so far!) of essay writing that originated here on this blog, and two novels which I originally published here have been published conventionally and are still in print. Go me. Work here has also served as a calling card for paid work elsewhere; Iā€™ve gotten a number of gigs because people have read something here and said, essentially, ā€œHey, can you do that, but for me, and for money?ā€ To which I answered, ā€œOh, probably.ā€

Should you write for others without being paid? Oh, I donā€™t think so. I donā€™t care how tiny or noble the site/magazine/whatever is, if they want to use what you write to help them make money, then go ahead and make it your policy to get paid. If they donā€™t have the money to pay your asking price, then, oh, well. ā€œExposureā€ means shit (and ā€œexposureā€ in the sort of venue that canā€™t/wonā€™t pay means even less than shit). What matters in these cases is that you make money from the people who want to make money from you. So, you know. Donā€™t write for ā€œfree.ā€ Get paid.

Letā€™s also recognize a third category here, which is writing you do for yourself, that you intend to exploit financially by yourself ā€” basically, by operating a small business specializing in the distribution of your writing (and/or other creative product). This is a thing that is much easier to do now than in times past, and certainly writers do it through things like Patreon, Kickstarter, self-publishing, placing advertising on their own blogs and so on. Here in 2018, you donā€™t need someone else to pay you to get paid, although if you do want to get paid by running your own little writing business, you have to do what any small business does and work your ass off on it. Which is why I personally like publishing through other entities ā€” itā€™s ever so slightly less work.

(And obviously, you donā€™t have to pick just one of these avenues. You can do them all! Wheeee!)

So, Nick Douglas is right that you should write some things that without intending to be paid for them, for the fun of it and to try different sorts of writing and to grow your skills. Heā€™s incorrect that much of that writing ā€” the stuff you do by yourself, for yourself ā€” should be considered as being done for ā€œfree.ā€ And when he suggests that you write for others for ā€œfree,ā€ I think heā€™s incorrect there as well. If your work has value to anyone, then it should have value for you, and you should be at the front of the line to receive that value, because youā€™re doing the work.

Thatā€™s how you become a professional writer: By expecting to be treated as a professional.

Do you want to build a WEBSITE not a BLOG?

By: Deific Lyon #blogging #website

Have you recently joined and want a website, rather than a blog? Hereā€™s a quick tip: transform your blog into a website by setting a fixed front page. Letā€™s learn how to change your layout.

When you select a theme, typically the design will have a traditional blog layout by default: it displays a feed of your most recent posts on the homepage. But wait a minute! I donā€™t want a blog ā€” I want a website, you say. What can you do?

From blog to website

If you want to transform a blog into a website, set a ā€œstatic homepageā€ or fixed front page. Instead of displaying your latest posts in reverse chronological order, your front page will look more like a landing page.

Letā€™s take the free and versatile Sela theme as an example. Both sketcher Pete Scully and the team behind the blog of the WomanStats Projectuse Selaā€™s standard blog format and show their latest posts on their homepages.

By setting a static or fixed homepage, however, you can transform your layout. Look at the clean and minimal homepage of The Idle Woman, which focuses on art, historical fiction, opera, classical studies, museums, and more:

More websites using Sela in different ways:

A homepage with book covers, video, and reviews on Catherine Ryan Howardā€™s website.

A front page with widgets in the footer of Nancy Engeā€™s website.

Three featured sections using Selaā€™s special Front Page Widget area on trekking site Her Odyssey.

This is the same theme that Pete uses on his blog ā€” it looks and feels more like a welcome page, doesnā€™t it? The writer at The Idle Womankeeps her blog posts on a separate page, accessible in the Blog tab in her menu.

Set a fixed front page

You can do this, too ā€” regardless of your theme. First, if you have an existing page that youā€™d like to use for your front page, make any edits or updates so itā€™s ready for the spotlight. If not, go to My Site(s) ā†’ Site Pages ā†’ Add to add a new page, and title your new page ā€œHomeā€ (or something similar). You can add text, images, or even video, as shown on author Catherine Ryan Howardā€™s website, or you can leave the page blank for now. Then, publish the page.

Next, go to My Site(s) ā†’ Customize ā†’ Homepage Settings. Under ā€œYour homepage displays,ā€ select the button next to ā€œA static page.ā€ In the dropdown menu under Homepage, select the page to set as your front page, then click Publish to save these changes.

Display a link to your blog

If you want to display an optional link to your blog posts as seen on The Idle Woman, create a new blank page called ā€œBlogā€ (or something similar), return to My Site(s) ā†’ Customize ā†’ Homepage Settings, and select this page from the dropdown menu under Posts page. Donā€™t forget to click Publish.

Once finished, view your website. If you notice two ā€œhomeā€ links in your menu, or your pages arenā€™t displayed in the order you want, create or adjust your custom menu.

Ready to take your website to the next level? Get unlimited access to premium themes, take advantage of the payment button, use custom CSS, and much more with a Premium plan.

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How to create a website logo: Tutorials for Non-designers

After sharing tips on how to build a strong visual brand, some of you asked for guidance on creating your own logo for your business or personal brand. Using Canvaā€™s handy Online Logo Maker, hereā€™s a quick tutorial on making a logo for your site.

Canva is a free graphic design tool that you can use to make a custom header and other images for your site, as well as banners or graphics for social media. If youā€™re not a graphic design whiz, itā€™s a great way to create your own images. In this how-to, weā€™ll use Canvaā€™s Online Logo Maker to make a simple yet professional logo for an imaginary restaurant, The Breakfast Spot.

Create your site logo with Canva

Tip: Each theme has its own ideal logo dimensions.
Check your themeā€™s support pagefor details.

Go to the Online Logo Maker and click the green Start Designing a Custom Logo button to open the Canva editor. On the left, youā€™ll see the Layouts panel, populated with many pre-made logos. For our restaurantā€™s logo, I envision a circle to emphasize the ā€œspotā€ in ā€œThe Breakfast Spot.ā€ Scrolling through the options, I see a logo for Fleur Organic Cosmetics, which includes a purple circle. I drag and drop the logo into the empty square on the right in the editor.

In Canva, you can deconstruct these pre-made logos to fit your needs, so if you like an element within a logo (a shape, the combination of fonts, the color palette, etc.), experiment with it! You can click on parts of a logo to delete existing elements (like the text) and start fresh. Here, Iā€™ll begin by selecting and deleting the text (ā€œFleur Organic Cosmeticsā€).

I want to change the color palette of this logo, so I click on the cream background to make sure itā€™s selected, then click a small square at the top left of the editor, which displays the current background color (cream). Iā€™d like a white background instead, so I select the white swatch at the bottom right of the color picker tool.

This action changes the background from cream to white:

Tip: If you want to use a specific shade, click the + in the color picker tool to enter a six-digit color code.

Next, I want the primary shade in my logo to match the colorful interior and laid-back vibe of my beachside restaurant. I click somewhere inside the circle to select it, and once again open the color picker tool by clicking on the small square at the top left of the editor. Our restaurantā€™s front door and the accent color on our walls is a bold coral pink, so I select this shade to visually tie our physical business to our website.

Tip: If you donā€™t see a text sample youā€™d like to work with, click the heading, subheading, or descriptive text options at the top and make your own from scratch.

Now itā€™s time to add some text! On the left-side panel, youā€™ll see different tabs: Layouts, Elements, Text, Background, and Uploads. Letā€™s click on Text to add our restaurantā€™s name to the logo. In the Text tab, youā€™ll see many pre-designed font combinations to choose from. Letā€™s explore all these options! If you click on sample text that isnā€™t right for your logo, just delete it by clicking the trash icon at the top right of the editor.

After scrolling and trying a few samples, I find one with a lovely hand-drawn font, Playlist Script, that Iā€™d like to use for my logo. (You can view the font of any sample text by looking for the font name at the top left of the toolbar.)

After deleting the default description text of one of these text samples, I type the restaurantā€™s name, The Breakfast Spot, and place it on three lines. I use the Text Align tool in the toolbar to center the text, and use the Font Size dropdown menu to resize the text so it fits nicely inside the circle.

When Iā€™m happy with the logo, I click on Download and save it as a JPG. Success!

Add your logo to your website

The last step is adding this new logo to the restaurantā€™s website. To do this, weā€™ll go to My Site(s) ā†’ Customize ā†’ Site Identity, click Select logo, upload the new logo image to the Media Library, and add it in the Customizer.

Depending on your theme, you may want to hide your site title and tagline and display your logo only, as Iā€™ve done on this restaurant website. To do this, uncheck the box next to ā€œDisplay Site Title and Tagline.ā€

For more reading on logos and brand identity design, explore the website Logo Design Love.

And voilĆ ! The Breakfast Spot has a new Site Logo for its website, made with the handy tools at Canva. Need additional assistance getting started with Canva? Visit the Canva Help Center.

Ready to take your site to the next level? Get unlimited access to premium themes, take advantage of the payment button, use custom CSS, and much more with a Premium plan.

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How you can find your trash in wordpress

What is: Trash

by: DonRemmih

Trash in WordPress is like the Recycle Bin on your PC or Trash in your Macintosh computer. Users with the proper permission level (administrators and editors) have the ability to delete a post, page, and/or comments. When you delete the item, it is moved to the trash folder where it will remain for 30 days. This allows you, the user, to restore any item that you might have deleted accidentally. After 30 days, the item will be automatically and permanently deleted from your WordPress database. Trash functionality was added in WordPress 2.9 to reduce the chances of accidental deletion of items.

Move a post to trash in WordPress

To restore a deleted item go to the list item screen, example:

  • Posts ā†’ All Posts
  • Pages ā†’ All Pages
  • Comments

If there are any items in the trash then the user will see a link of the Trash page with the count next to it:

Finding deleted WordPress posts in trash

Clicking the link will display the list of deleted items. If you want to restore an item, simply bring your mouse over to an item, and it will display the links to either delete an item permanently or restore it.

Restore deleted posts from trash in WordPress

JAMB cut off marks 2018/2019 for all Nigerian colleges and universities

If you plan on gaining admission into the university, polytechnic or any other tertiary institution, you have to know the JAMB2018/2019 cut off mark.

The cut off mark for JAMB varies from course of study to course of study. Below you will find all the essential JAMB news about cut off marks for gaining admission in 2018. The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has already released JAMB 2018/2019 cut off marks for all Nigerian universities. Are you ready for Jamb Latest News? JAMB cut off mark 2018-2019 You must have the minimum JAMB cut off mark 120 to enter the Nigerian Universities. As for JAMB cut off mark for polytechnics and colleges you should have 100. At the same time, if you want to get an education at innovative, enterprising institutes, your minimum score must be 110. Remember! Higher institutions reserve the right to increase the JAMB 2018/2019 cut off mark above the minimum accepted by JAMB. Professor Is-haq Olanrewaju Oloyede Mr. Is-haq Oloyede (the JAMB Registrar) mentioned that a Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) would be adopted to regularize the processes of admission into institutions The JAMB Registrar also added that schools could also make use of the dual mode system. In this case, both manual and the newly introduced CAPS can be adopted. He also noted that the candidates who chose to study Agriculture in higher institutions were low while those who wanted to study Medicine and Sciences increased this year. As for illegal admissions, Is-haq Oloyede said that the admission process is automatic and all candidates must be approved by the JAMB Registrar. Nearly 17,160 students have gotten admission into school without JAMB in Nigeria. READ ALSO: How to reprint JAMB slip for 2017 UTME? Mr. Adamu Adamu, the Minister of Education, declared a cancellation of the ban of Post-UTME examination as a premise for entering universities and polytechnics. He marked that post-UTME banning caused a lot of rulesā€™ violations both by candidates and institutions. After the ban cancellation, schools could now conduct exams freely, and examination fee must not be more than 2000 Naira. The Minister also assured that a high number of candidates who took part at the 2017 UTME would enter the higher education institutions this year. We hope, the above JAMB news about cut off mark was useful for you. Good Luck! JAMB cut off marks for federal universities 2018/2019 Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi (ATBU) ā€“ 180 Ahmadu Bello University, (ABU) Zaria ā€“ 180 Bayero University, Kano (BUK)- 180 Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun (FUPRE) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMinna) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Dutse, Jigawa State (FUD) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Dutsin-Ma, Katsina (FUDutsinma) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Kashere, Gombe State(FUKashere) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Lafia, Nasarawa State (FULafia)- 180 Federal University, Lokoja, Kogi State (FULokoja) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State (FUNAI)- 180 Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa (FUOtuoke) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State (FUOYE)- 180 Federal University, Wukari, Taraba State (FUWukari)- 180 Michael Okpara Uni. of Agric., Umudike (MOUAU)- 180 Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola (MAUTECH, formerly FUTYOLA)- 180 National Open University of Nigeria, Lagos (NOUN) ā€“ N/A Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Kaduna ā€“ 180 Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (UNIZIK) ā€“ 180 Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife ā€“ 200 Police Academy Wudil ā€“ 180 (2016 cut-off mark confirmed) University of Abuja (UNIABUJA), Gwagwalada ā€“ 180 Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) ā€“ 200 Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi (FUAM) ā€“ 180 University of Benin (UNIBEN) ā€“ 200 University of Calabar (UNICAL) ā€“ 180 University of Ibadan (UI) ā€“ 200 University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) ā€“ 180 University of Jos (UNIJOS) ā€“ 180 University of Lagos (UNILAG) ā€“ 200 University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) ā€“ 180 University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) ā€“ 180 University of Port-Harcourt (UNIPORT) ā€“ 180 University of Uyo (UNIUYO) ā€“ 180 Usumanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (UDUSOK) ā€“ 180 JAMB cut off marks for state universities 2018/2019 Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU) ā€“ 180 Adamawa State University Mubi (ADSU) ā€“ 180 Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba (AAUA) ā€“ 180 Akwa Ibom State University of Technology, Uyo (AKUTECH) ā€“ 180 Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Ekpoma ā€“ 180 Anambra State University of Science & Technology, Uli ā€“ 180 Bauchi State University, Gadau (BASUG) ā€“ 180 Benue State University, Makurdi (BSUM) ā€“ 180, Medicine ā€“ 200 Cross River State University of Science & Technology, Calabar (CRUTECH)- 180 Delta State University Abraka (DELSU) ā€“ 180 Ebonyi State University (EBSU), Abakaliki ā€“ 180 Ekiti State University (EKSU) ā€“ 180 Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu ā€“ 180 Gombe State Univeristy (GSU), Gombe ā€“ 180 Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai (IBBUL) ā€“ 180 Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUE), Rumuoumeni ā€“ 180 Imo State University (IMSU), Owerri ā€“ 180 Kaduna State University (KASU), Kaduna ā€“ 180 Kano University of Science & Technology (KUST), Wudil ā€“ 180 Kebbi State University, Kebbi (KSUSTA)- 180 Kogi State University (KSU), Anyigba ā€“ 180 Kwara State University (KWASU), Ilorin ā€“ 180 Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso ā€“ 180 Lagos State University (LASU), Ojo, Lagos ā€“ 180 Nasarawa State University, Keffi (NSUK) ā€“ 180 Niger Delta Unversity (NDU), Yenagoa ā€“ 180
Northwest University (NU), Kano ā€“ 180
Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago-Iwoye ā€“ 180
Ondo State University of Science & Technology, Okitipupa ā€“ 180
Osun State University (UNIOSUN), Oshogbo ā€“ 180
Plateau State University, Bokkos (PLASU) ā€“ 180
Rivers State University of Science & Technology (RSUST) ā€“ 180
Sokoto State University, Sokoto (SSU) ā€“ 180
Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu-Ode (TASUED) ā€“ 180
Taraba State University, Jalingo (TSU) ā€“ 180
Technical University, Ibadan ā€“ 180
Umaru Musa Yarā€™Adua University, Katsina (UMYU) ā€“ 180
JAMB cut off mark 2018/2019 for federal polytechnics in Nigeria Auchi Polytechnic (AUCHIPOLY) ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Bida ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu ā€“ N/A
Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Idah ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Mubi ā€“ TBA
Federal Polytechnic, Namoda ā€“ TBA
Federal Polytechnic, Nassarawa ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Nekede ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic Offa ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Oko ā€“ 150
Federal School of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu ā€“ 150 Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna ā€“ 150
Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic ā€“ TBA
Nigeria Army School of Military Engineering ā€“ TBA
Waziri Umaru Fed. Polytechnic Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi ā€“ TBA
Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH) ā€“ 150 for ND, 180 for UNN Degree
For State Polytechnics In Nigeria Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abia State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Adamawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abdul-Gusau Polytechnic, Talata-Mafara ā€“ TBA
Akwa-Ibom State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Akwa Ibom State College of Arts and Science Nung, Ukim ā€“ 150
Benue State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
College of Administrative and Business Studies, Potiskum ā€“ 150
Enugu Polytechnic ā€“ 150
GATEWAY Polytechnic, Igbesa ā€“ 150
Rufus Giwa Polytechnic ā€“ 150
The Polytechnic, Ibadan ā€“ 150
Institute of Management and Technology Enugu ā€“ 150
Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo ā€“ 150
Jigawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kano State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kogi State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin ā€“ 150
Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu ā€“ 150
Moshood Abiola Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Nasarawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe ā€“ 150
Osun State Polytechnic, Iree ā€“ 150
Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro ā€“ 150
Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin-Ladi ā€“ 150
Polytechnic of Sokoto ā€“ 150
Ramat Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Rivers State College of Arts and Science ā€“ 150
Rivers State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Gateway Polytechnic Saapade ā€“ 150
Edo State Institute of Technology and Management, Usen ā€“ 150
Niger State Poly, Zungeru, Niger State ā€“ 150Conclusion
Now you know all about the JAMB cut off marks for 2017/2018 for all Nigerian colleges and universities. Hope you get admitted into your school of choice.
The cut off mark for JAMB varies from course of study to course of study. Below you will find all the essential JAMB news about cut off marks for gaining admission in 2018. The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has already released JAMB 2018/2019 cut off marks for all Nigerian universities. Are you ready for Jamb Latest News? JAMB cut off mark 2018-2019 You must have the minimum JAMB cut off mark 120 to enter the Nigerian Universities. As for JAMB cut off mark for polytechnics and colleges you should have 100. At the same time, if you want to get an education at innovative, enterprising institutes, your minimum score must be 110. Remember! Higher institutions reserve the right to increase the JAMB 2018/2019 cut off mark above the minimum accepted by JAMB. Professor Is-haq Olanrewaju Oloyede Mr. Is-haq Oloyede (the JAMB Registrar) mentioned that a Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) would be adopted to regularize the processes of admission into institutions The JAMB Registrar also added that schools could also make use of the dual mode system. In this case, both manual and the newly introduced CAPS can be adopted. He also noted that the candidates who chose to study Agriculture in higher institutions were low while those who wanted to study Medicine and Sciences increased this year. As for illegal admissions, Is-haq Oloyede said that the admission process is automatic and all candidates must be approved by the JAMB Registrar. Nearly 17,160 students have gotten admission into school without JAMB in Nigeria. READ ALSO: How to reprint JAMB slip for 2017 UTME? Mr. Adamu Adamu, the Minister of Education, declared a cancellation of the ban of Post-UTME examination as a premise for entering universities and polytechnics. He marked that post-UTME banning caused a lot of rulesā€™ violations both by candidates and institutions. After the ban cancellation, schools could now conduct exams freely, and examination fee must not be more than 2000 Naira. The Minister also assured that a high number of candidates who took part at the 2017 UTME would enter the higher education institutions this year. We hope, the above JAMB news about cut off mark was useful for you. Good Luck! JAMB cut off marks for federal universities 2018/2019 Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi (ATBU) ā€“ 180 Ahmadu Bello University, (ABU) Zaria ā€“ 180 Bayero University, Kano (BUK)- 180 Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun (FUPRE) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMinna) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Dutse, Jigawa State (FUD) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Dutsin-Ma, Katsina (FUDutsinma) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Kashere, Gombe State(FUKashere) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Lafia, Nasarawa State (FULafia)- 180 Federal University, Lokoja, Kogi State (FULokoja) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State (FUNAI)- 180 Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa (FUOtuoke) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State (FUOYE)- 180 Federal University, Wukari, Taraba State (FUWukari)- 180 Michael Okpara Uni. of Agric., Umudike (MOUAU)- 180 Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola (MAUTECH, formerly FUTYOLA)- 180 National Open University of Nigeria, Lagos (NOUN) ā€“ N/A Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Kaduna ā€“ 180 Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (UNIZIK) ā€“ 180 Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife ā€“ 200 Police Academy Wudil ā€“ 180 (2016 cut-off mark confirmed) University of Abuja (UNIABUJA), Gwagwalada ā€“ 180 Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) ā€“ 200 Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi (FUAM) ā€“ 180 University of Benin (UNIBEN) ā€“ 200 University of Calabar (UNICAL) ā€“ 180 University of Ibadan (UI) ā€“ 200 University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) ā€“ 180 University of Jos (UNIJOS) ā€“ 180 University of Lagos (UNILAG) ā€“ 200 University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) ā€“ 180 University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) ā€“ 180 University of Port-Harcourt (UNIPORT) ā€“ 180 University of Uyo (UNIUYO) ā€“ 180 Usumanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (UDUSOK) ā€“ 180 JAMB cut off marks for state universities 2018/2019 Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU) ā€“ 180 Adamawa State University Mubi (ADSU) ā€“ 180 Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba (AAUA) ā€“ 180 Akwa Ibom State University of Technology, Uyo (AKUTECH) ā€“ 180 Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Ekpoma ā€“ 180 Anambra State University of Science & Technology, Uli ā€“ 180 Bauchi State University, Gadau (BASUG) ā€“ 180 Benue State University, Makurdi (BSUM) ā€“ 180, Medicine ā€“ 200 Cross River State University of Science & Technology, Calabar (CRUTECH)- 180 Delta State University Abraka (DELSU) ā€“ 180 Ebonyi State University (EBSU), Abakaliki ā€“ 180 Ekiti State University (EKSU) ā€“ 180 Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu ā€“ 180 Gombe State Univeristy (GSU), Gombe ā€“ 180 Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai (IBBUL) ā€“ 180 Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUE), Rumuoumeni ā€“ 180 Imo State University (IMSU), Owerri ā€“ 180 Kaduna State University (KASU), Kaduna ā€“ 180 Kano University of Science & Technology (KUST), Wudil ā€“ 180 Kebbi State University, Kebbi (KSUSTA)- 180 Kogi State University (KSU), Anyigba ā€“ 180 Kwara State University (KWASU), Ilorin ā€“ 180 Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso ā€“ 180 Lagos State University (LASU), Ojo, Lagos ā€“ 180 Nasarawa State University, Keffi (NSUK) ā€“ 180 Niger Delta Unversity (NDU), Yenagoa ā€“ 180
Northwest University (NU), Kano ā€“ 180
Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago-Iwoye ā€“ 180
Ondo State University of Science & Technology, Okitipupa ā€“ 180
Osun State University (UNIOSUN), Oshogbo ā€“ 180
Plateau State University, Bokkos (PLASU) ā€“ 180
Rivers State University of Science & Technology (RSUST) ā€“ 180
Sokoto State University, Sokoto (SSU) ā€“ 180
Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu-Ode (TASUED) ā€“ 180
Taraba State University, Jalingo (TSU) ā€“ 180
Technical University, Ibadan ā€“ 180
Umaru Musa Yarā€™Adua University, Katsina (UMYU) ā€“ 180
JAMB cut off mark 2018/2019 for federal polytechnics in Nigeria Auchi Polytechnic (AUCHIPOLY) ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Bida ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu ā€“ N/A
Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Idah ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Mubi ā€“ TBA
Federal Polytechnic, Namoda ā€“ TBA
Federal Polytechnic, Nassarawa ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Nekede ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic Offa ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Oko ā€“ 150
Federal School of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu ā€“ 150 Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna ā€“ 150
Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic ā€“ TBA
Nigeria Army School of Military Engineering ā€“ TBA
Waziri Umaru Fed. Polytechnic Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi ā€“ TBA
Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH) ā€“ 150 for ND, 180 for UNN Degree
For State Polytechnics In Nigeria Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abia State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Adamawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abdul-Gusau Polytechnic, Talata-Mafara ā€“ TBA
Akwa-Ibom State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Akwa Ibom State College of Arts and Science Nung, Ukim ā€“ 150
Benue State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
College of Administrative and Business Studies, Potiskum ā€“ 150
Enugu Polytechnic ā€“ 150
GATEWAY Polytechnic, Igbesa ā€“ 150
Rufus Giwa Polytechnic ā€“ 150
The Polytechnic, Ibadan ā€“ 150
Institute of Management and Technology Enugu ā€“ 150
Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo ā€“ 150
Jigawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kano State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kogi State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin ā€“ 150
Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu ā€“ 150
Moshood Abiola Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Nasarawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe ā€“ 150
Osun State Polytechnic, Iree ā€“ 150
Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro ā€“ 150
Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin-Ladi ā€“ 150
Polytechnic of Sokoto ā€“ 150
Ramat Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Rivers State College of Arts and Science ā€“ 150
Rivers State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Gateway Polytechnic Saapade ā€“ 150
Edo State Institute of Technology and Management, Usen ā€“ 150
Niger State Poly, Zungeru, Niger State ā€“ 150Conclusion
Now you know all about the JAMB cut off marks for 2017/2018 for all Nigerian colleges and universities. Hope you get admitted into your school of choice.

The cut off mark for JAMB varies from course of study to course of study. Below you will find all the essential JAMB news about cut off marks for gaining admission in 2018. The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has already released JAMB 2018/2019 cut off marks for all Nigerian universities. Are you ready for Jamb Latest News? JAMB cut off mark 2018-2019 You must have the minimum JAMB cut off mark 120 to enter the Nigerian Universities. As for JAMB cut off mark for polytechnics and colleges you should have 100. At the same time, if you want to get an education at innovative, enterprising institutes, your minimum score must be 110. Remember! Higher institutions reserve the right to increase the JAMB 2018/2019 cut off mark above the minimum accepted by JAMB. Professor Is-haq Olanrewaju Oloyede Mr. Is-haq Oloyede (the JAMB Registrar) mentioned that a Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) would be adopted to regularize the processes of admission into institutions The JAMB Registrar also added that schools could also make use of the dual mode system. In this case, both manual and the newly introduced CAPS can be adopted. He also noted that the candidates who chose to study Agriculture in higher institutions were low while those who wanted to study Medicine and Sciences increased this year. As for illegal admissions, Is-haq Oloyede said that the admission process is automatic and all candidates must be approved by the JAMB Registrar. Nearly 17,160 students have gotten admission into school without JAMB in Nigeria. READ ALSO: How to reprint JAMB slip for 2017 UTME? Mr. Adamu Adamu, the Minister of Education, declared a cancellation of the ban of Post-UTME examination as a premise for entering universities and polytechnics. He marked that post-UTME banning caused a lot of rulesā€™ violations both by candidates and institutions. After the ban cancellation, schools could now conduct exams freely, and examination fee must not be more than 2000 Naira. The Minister also assured that a high number of candidates who took part at the 2017 UTME would enter the higher education institutions this year. We hope, the above JAMB news about cut off mark was useful for you. Good Luck! JAMB cut off marks for federal universities 2018/2019 Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi (ATBU) ā€“ 180 Ahmadu Bello University, (ABU) Zaria ā€“ 180 Bayero University, Kano (BUK)- 180 Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun (FUPRE) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMinna) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Dutse, Jigawa State (FUD) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Dutsin-Ma, Katsina (FUDutsinma) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Kashere, Gombe State(FUKashere) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Lafia, Nasarawa State (FULafia)- 180 Federal University, Lokoja, Kogi State (FULokoja) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State (FUNAI)- 180 Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa (FUOtuoke) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State (FUOYE)- 180 Federal University, Wukari, Taraba State (FUWukari)- 180 Michael Okpara Uni. of Agric., Umudike (MOUAU)- 180 Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola (MAUTECH, formerly FUTYOLA)- 180 National Open University of Nigeria, Lagos (NOUN) ā€“ N/A Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Kaduna ā€“ 180 Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (UNIZIK) ā€“ 180 Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife ā€“ 200 Police Academy Wudil ā€“ 180 (2016 cut-off mark confirmed) University of Abuja (UNIABUJA), Gwagwalada ā€“ 180 Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) ā€“ 200 Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi (FUAM) ā€“ 180 University of Benin (UNIBEN) ā€“ 200 University of Calabar (UNICAL) ā€“ 180 University of Ibadan (UI) ā€“ 200 University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) ā€“ 180 University of Jos (UNIJOS) ā€“ 180 University of Lagos (UNILAG) ā€“ 200 University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) ā€“ 180 University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) ā€“ 180 University of Port-Harcourt (UNIPORT) ā€“ 180 University of Uyo (UNIUYO) ā€“ 180 Usumanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (UDUSOK) ā€“ 180 JAMB cut off marks for state universities 2018/2019 Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU) ā€“ 180 Adamawa State University Mubi (ADSU) ā€“ 180 Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba (AAUA) ā€“ 180 Akwa Ibom State University of Technology, Uyo (AKUTECH) ā€“ 180 Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Ekpoma ā€“ 180 Anambra State University of Science & Technology, Uli ā€“ 180 Bauchi State University, Gadau (BASUG) ā€“ 180 Benue State University, Makurdi (BSUM) ā€“ 180, Medicine ā€“ 200 Cross River State University of Science & Technology, Calabar (CRUTECH)- 180 Delta State University Abraka (DELSU) ā€“ 180 Ebonyi State University (EBSU), Abakaliki ā€“ 180 Ekiti State University (EKSU) ā€“ 180 Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu ā€“ 180 Gombe State Univeristy (GSU), Gombe ā€“ 180 Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai (IBBUL) ā€“ 180 Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUE), Rumuoumeni ā€“ 180 Imo State University (IMSU), Owerri ā€“ 180 Kaduna State University (KASU), Kaduna ā€“ 180 Kano University of Science & Technology (KUST), Wudil ā€“ 180 Kebbi State University, Kebbi (KSUSTA)- 180 Kogi State University (KSU), Anyigba ā€“ 180 Kwara State University (KWASU), Ilorin ā€“ 180 Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso ā€“ 180 Lagos State University (LASU), Ojo, Lagos ā€“ 180 Nasarawa State University, Keffi (NSUK) ā€“ 180 Niger Delta Unversity (NDU), Yenagoa ā€“ 180
Northwest University (NU), Kano ā€“ 180
Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago-Iwoye ā€“ 180
Ondo State University of Science & Technology, Okitipupa ā€“ 180
Osun State University (UNIOSUN), Oshogbo ā€“ 180
Plateau State University, Bokkos (PLASU) ā€“ 180
Rivers State University of Science & Technology (RSUST) ā€“ 180
Sokoto State University, Sokoto (SSU) ā€“ 180
Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu-Ode (TASUED) ā€“ 180
Taraba State University, Jalingo (TSU) ā€“ 180
Technical University, Ibadan ā€“ 180
Umaru Musa Yarā€™Adua University, Katsina (UMYU) ā€“ 180
JAMB cut off mark 2018/2019 for federal polytechnics in Nigeria Auchi Polytechnic (AUCHIPOLY) ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Bida ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu ā€“ N/A
Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Idah ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Mubi ā€“ TBA
Federal Polytechnic, Namoda ā€“ TBA
Federal Polytechnic, Nassarawa ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Nekede ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic Offa ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Oko ā€“ 150
Federal School of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu ā€“ 150 Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna ā€“ 150
Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic ā€“ TBA
Nigeria Army School of Military Engineering ā€“ TBA
Waziri Umaru Fed. Polytechnic Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi ā€“ TBA
Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH) ā€“ 150 for ND, 180 for UNN Degree
For State Polytechnics In Nigeria Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abia State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Adamawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abdul-Gusau Polytechnic, Talata-Mafara ā€“ TBA
Akwa-Ibom State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Akwa Ibom State College of Arts and Science Nung, Ukim ā€“ 150
Benue State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
College of Administrative and Business Studies, Potiskum ā€“ 150
Enugu Polytechnic ā€“ 150
GATEWAY Polytechnic, Igbesa ā€“ 150
Rufus Giwa Polytechnic ā€“ 150
The Polytechnic, Ibadan ā€“ 150
Institute of Management and Technology Enugu ā€“ 150
Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo ā€“ 150
Jigawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kano State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kogi State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin ā€“ 150
Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu ā€“ 150
Moshood Abiola Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Nasarawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe ā€“ 150
Osun State Polytechnic, Iree ā€“ 150
Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro ā€“ 150
Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin-Ladi ā€“ 150
Polytechnic of Sokoto ā€“ 150
Ramat Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Rivers State College of Arts and Science ā€“ 150
Rivers State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Gateway Polytechnic Saapade ā€“ 150
Edo State Institute of Technology and Management, Usen ā€“ 150
Niger State Poly, Zungeru, Niger State ā€“ 150Conclusion
Now you know all about the JAMB cut off marks for 2017/2018 for all Nigerian colleges and universities. Hope you get admitted into your school of choice.
The cut off mark for JAMB varies from course of study to course of study. Below you will find all the essential JAMB news about cut off marks for gaining admission in 2018. The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has already released JAMB 2018/2019 cut off marks for all Nigerian universities. Are you ready for Jamb Latest News? JAMB cut off mark 2018-2019 You must have the minimum JAMB cut off mark 120 to enter the Nigerian Universities. As for JAMB cut off mark for polytechnics and colleges you should have 100. At the same time, if you want to get an education at innovative, enterprising institutes, your minimum score must be 110. Remember! Higher institutions reserve the right to increase the JAMB 2018/2019 cut off mark above the minimum accepted by JAMB. Professor Is-haq Olanrewaju Oloyede Mr. Is-haq Oloyede (the JAMB Registrar) mentioned that a Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) would be adopted to regularize the processes of admission into institutions The JAMB Registrar also added that schools could also make use of the dual mode system. In this case, both manual and the newly introduced CAPS can be adopted. He also noted that the candidates who chose to study Agriculture in higher institutions were low while those who wanted to study Medicine and Sciences increased this year. As for illegal admissions, Is-haq Oloyede said that the admission process is automatic and all candidates must be approved by the JAMB Registrar. Nearly 17,160 students have gotten admission into school without JAMB in Nigeria. READ ALSO: How to reprint JAMB slip for 2017 UTME? Mr. Adamu Adamu, the Minister of Education, declared a cancellation of the ban of Post-UTME examination as a premise for entering universities and polytechnics. He marked that post-UTME banning caused a lot of rulesā€™ violations both by candidates and institutions. After the ban cancellation, schools could now conduct exams freely, and examination fee must not be more than 2000 Naira. The Minister also assured that a high number of candidates who took part at the 2017 UTME would enter the higher education institutions this year. We hope, the above JAMB news about cut off mark was useful for you. Good Luck! JAMB cut off marks for federal universities 2018/2019 Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi (ATBU) ā€“ 180 Ahmadu Bello University, (ABU) Zaria ā€“ 180 Bayero University, Kano (BUK)- 180 Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun (FUPRE) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMinna) ā€“ 180 Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Dutse, Jigawa State (FUD) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Dutsin-Ma, Katsina (FUDutsinma) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Kashere, Gombe State(FUKashere) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Lafia, Nasarawa State (FULafia)- 180 Federal University, Lokoja, Kogi State (FULokoja) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State (FUNAI)- 180 Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa (FUOtuoke) ā€“ 180 Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State (FUOYE)- 180 Federal University, Wukari, Taraba State (FUWukari)- 180 Michael Okpara Uni. of Agric., Umudike (MOUAU)- 180 Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola (MAUTECH, formerly FUTYOLA)- 180 National Open University of Nigeria, Lagos (NOUN) ā€“ N/A Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Kaduna ā€“ 180 Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (UNIZIK) ā€“ 180 Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife ā€“ 200 Police Academy Wudil ā€“ 180 (2016 cut-off mark confirmed) University of Abuja (UNIABUJA), Gwagwalada ā€“ 180 Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) ā€“ 200 Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi (FUAM) ā€“ 180 University of Benin (UNIBEN) ā€“ 200 University of Calabar (UNICAL) ā€“ 180 University of Ibadan (UI) ā€“ 200 University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) ā€“ 180 University of Jos (UNIJOS) ā€“ 180 University of Lagos (UNILAG) ā€“ 200 University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) ā€“ 180 University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) ā€“ 180 University of Port-Harcourt (UNIPORT) ā€“ 180 University of Uyo (UNIUYO) ā€“ 180 Usumanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (UDUSOK) ā€“ 180 JAMB cut off marks for state universities 2018/2019 Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU) ā€“ 180 Adamawa State University Mubi (ADSU) ā€“ 180 Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba (AAUA) ā€“ 180 Akwa Ibom State University of Technology, Uyo (AKUTECH) ā€“ 180 Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Ekpoma ā€“ 180 Anambra State University of Science & Technology, Uli ā€“ 180 Bauchi State University, Gadau (BASUG) ā€“ 180 Benue State University, Makurdi (BSUM) ā€“ 180, Medicine ā€“ 200 Cross River State University of Science & Technology, Calabar (CRUTECH)- 180 Delta State University Abraka (DELSU) ā€“ 180 Ebonyi State University (EBSU), Abakaliki ā€“ 180 Ekiti State University (EKSU) ā€“ 180 Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu ā€“ 180 Gombe State Univeristy (GSU), Gombe ā€“ 180 Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai (IBBUL) ā€“ 180 Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUE), Rumuoumeni ā€“ 180 Imo State University (IMSU), Owerri ā€“ 180 Kaduna State University (KASU), Kaduna ā€“ 180 Kano University of Science & Technology (KUST), Wudil ā€“ 180 Kebbi State University, Kebbi (KSUSTA)- 180 Kogi State University (KSU), Anyigba ā€“ 180 Kwara State University (KWASU), Ilorin ā€“ 180 Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso ā€“ 180 Lagos State University (LASU), Ojo, Lagos ā€“ 180 Nasarawa State University, Keffi (NSUK) ā€“ 180 Niger Delta Unversity (NDU), Yenagoa ā€“ 180
Northwest University (NU), Kano ā€“ 180
Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago-Iwoye ā€“ 180
Ondo State University of Science & Technology, Okitipupa ā€“ 180
Osun State University (UNIOSUN), Oshogbo ā€“ 180
Plateau State University, Bokkos (PLASU) ā€“ 180
Rivers State University of Science & Technology (RSUST) ā€“ 180
Sokoto State University, Sokoto (SSU) ā€“ 180
Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu-Ode (TASUED) ā€“ 180
Taraba State University, Jalingo (TSU) ā€“ 180
Technical University, Ibadan ā€“ 180
Umaru Musa Yarā€™Adua University, Katsina (UMYU) ā€“ 180
JAMB cut off mark 2018/2019 for federal polytechnics in Nigeria Auchi Polytechnic (AUCHIPOLY) ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Bida ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu ā€“ N/A
Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Idah ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Mubi ā€“ TBA
Federal Polytechnic, Namoda ā€“ TBA
Federal Polytechnic, Nassarawa ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Nekede ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic Offa ā€“ 150
Federal Polytechnic, Oko ā€“ 150
Federal School of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu ā€“ 150 Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna ā€“ 150
Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic ā€“ TBA
Nigeria Army School of Military Engineering ā€“ TBA
Waziri Umaru Fed. Polytechnic Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi ā€“ TBA
Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH) ā€“ 150 for ND, 180 for UNN Degree
For State Polytechnics In Nigeria Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abia State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Adamawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abdul-Gusau Polytechnic, Talata-Mafara ā€“ TBA
Akwa-Ibom State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Akwa Ibom State College of Arts and Science Nung, Ukim ā€“ 150
Benue State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
College of Administrative and Business Studies, Potiskum ā€“ 150
Enugu Polytechnic ā€“ 150
GATEWAY Polytechnic, Igbesa ā€“ 150
Rufus Giwa Polytechnic ā€“ 150
The Polytechnic, Ibadan ā€“ 150
Institute of Management and Technology Enugu ā€“ 150
Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo ā€“ 150
Jigawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kano State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kogi State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin ā€“ 150
Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu ā€“ 150
Moshood Abiola Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Nasarawa State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe ā€“ 150
Osun State Polytechnic, Iree ā€“ 150
Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke ā€“ 150
Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro ā€“ 150
Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin-Ladi ā€“ 150
Polytechnic of Sokoto ā€“ 150
Ramat Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Rivers State College of Arts and Science ā€“ 150
Rivers State Polytechnic ā€“ 150
Gateway Polytechnic Saapade ā€“ 150
Edo State Institute of Technology and Management, Usen ā€“ 150
Niger State Poly, Zungeru, Niger State ā€“ 150Conclusion
Now you know all about the JAMB cut off marks for 2017/2018 for all Nigerian colleges and universities. Hope you get admitted into your school of choice.

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FBI: Tad Cummins Had Sex With Elizabeth Thomas ‘Most Nights’

Tad Cummins, the man accused of kidnapping 15-year-old Elizabeth Thomas, had sex with the girl ā€œmost nightsā€ while the two were missing, according to an FBI agentā€™s testimony. FBI Agent Utley Noble also said 50-year-old Cummins, who was formerly Elizabethā€™s high school teacher, said the two began having a sexual relationship March 13, the day they disappeared.

A federal judge ruled Friday that Cummins was to be held until his trial on the grounds that he was a flight risk and a danger to the community. U.S. Magistrate Judge Barbara Holmes cited Cumminsā€™ abuse of his position of authority and his past attempts to evade police in issuing the decision.

ā€œHere, the evidence of danger is substantial,ā€ she said.

Read: Tad Cummins’ Daughter Breaks Silence About Alleged Kidnapping

An amber alert was issued for Elizabeth March 13 after she left her Tennessee home to attend a local restaurant and never returned. Police immediately suspected Cummins, a former teacher at Culleoka Unit School in Maury County, who was being investigated by school officials and local police for having an inappropriate relationship with Elizabeth. Surveillance footage caught Cummins filling up his car at a gas station near the restaurant. 

Investigators at the time were quick to caution that this could not be a consensual, romantic relationship.

RTS13R2XTad Cummins, 50, a former Tennessee high school teacher accused of abducting a 15-year-old student in March, seen in this booking photo after his arrest by Siskiyou County Sheriffā€™s Departmentā€™s Special Response Team in the Cecilville area of Siskiyou County, California, Apr. 20, 2017. Photo: Reuters

ā€œShe is 15, a child. He is 50, a grown man,ā€ Tennessee Bureau of Investigation director Mark Gwynn told reporters shortly after the two went missing. ā€œSheā€™s a high school freshman. Heā€™s a former teacher. This is, and was, not a romance. This was manipulation solely to benefit Tad Cummins. This is not a fairy tale. This is a case of kidnapping.ā€

After the pair vanished, they were spotted only once, when TBI officials confirmed a sighting of them on security footage from a Walmart in Oklahoma City.

The two were missing for 38 days before finally being located in Siskiyou County, a remote area of Northern California. Cummins was immediately arrested at the scene. 

Cummins could face additional charges of statutory rape and prosecutors sought to obtain recordings between him and his soon-to-be ex wife, Jill. She filed for divorce from Cummins shortly after he disappeared.

Read: Everything We Know About Elizabeth Thomas And Tad Cummins

ā€œI asked, ā€˜Well, did you sleep with her?ā€™ and he said, ā€˜Yes I did,ā€™ and I didnā€™t want any details,ā€ Jill told Inside Edition of a conversation she had with her husband while he was at a federal detention center in California.

Jill said she planned to have no relationship with her husband and was conspicuously absent from his first appearance in court. One of his daughters, however, said the past monthā€™s events had not changed her opinion of her father.

ā€œHe was the definition of what a good father should be and still is,ā€ Ashley Cummins, 26, told Inside Edition. ā€œI believe that. He needs to at least know that everybodyā€™s not against him.ā€

Cummins faces both federal and state charges and could receive life in prison if convicted. A date for his trial hasn’t been set.

RTS138DJSiskiyou County Sheriff Jon Lopey announces the arrest of fugitive Tad Cummins, a former high school teacher accused of kidnapping 15-year-old student Elizabeth Thomas, in Yreka, California, Apr. 20, 2017. Photo: Reuters

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